Last Updated: Mar 21, 2024 Value Broking 7 Mins 1.8K

As the name implies, Defensive Stock defends an investment portfolio against loss. While they do not have tremendous growth potential, they have typically outperformed other equities during moments of economic crisis. It generates consistent returns in the form of dividends regardless of stock market changes. Because of the continuous need for these products, defensive shares tend to remain stable throughout the business cycle. Conservative investors and investors looking to preserve capital frequently favor this stock due to its dependability, whereas more adventurous investors may skip it entirely and protect their wealth by keeping a buffer in cash or bonds.

Defensive Stocks meaning: It is a stock that can be relied on to provide consistent returns even during a downturn in the economy or market. Typically, these businesses provide items or services that consumers continue to purchase even when the economy is struggling. 

A defensive stock provides consistent returns in the form of dividends regardless of the volatility in the stock market. Because of the continual demands of the products, these stocks remain stable throughout the business cycle. Defensive stocks are from industries that manufacture goods that will be in demand regardless of economic situations. For example, personal care, utilities, healthcare, FMCG, and so on have sales that are unaffected by market fluctuations.

Understanding Defensive Stocks

Defensive stock appeals to people with greed by providing a bigger dividend return than is possible in low-interest-rate situations. They help dispel fear because they are less risky than traditional stocks, and it usually takes a major disaster to destroy their business model. Investors should also be aware that most investment managers are forced to purchase stocks. If investors believe the going will be tougher than usual, they will shift to these stocks.

During recessions, it tends to outperform the overall market. However, during an expansion phase, they tend to perform behind the market. This is because they have a low beta or market-related risk. Betas for these stocks are often lesser than 1. As an example, consider a stock with a beta of 0.5. If the market drops 2% in a week, we predict the stock to lose only roughly by 1%.  On the other hand, a 2% increase in the market for one-week results in a predicted increase of only 1% for the defensive stock with a beta of 0.5.

Advantages of Defensive stocks

Defensive stocks significantly benefit from comparable long-term gains with lower risk than other stocks. It has a higher Sharpe ratio as a group than the stock market as a whole. That is a compelling argument that this stock is an objectively superior investment to other types of stocks. It is known that Warren Buffett likewise rose to become one of the greatest investors of all time, thanks to the part of his focus on defensive equities. There is no need to take huge risks to outperform the market. Limiting losses, on the other hand, can be more beneficial.

These stocks are a solid long-term choice since they provide steady dividends and have stable earnings, which can help you build a sizable fortune. These stocks are low-risk, which protects you from losses. They may be the finest long-term bet for investors searching for secure bets. 

Following are some of the benefits we can see in this stock:

  • Stability: Market volatility can discourage some investors from participating, but the stability of defensive equities offers an alternative. Adding these consistent performers to your portfolio can act as a hedge against abrupt movements in the stock market.
  • Low risk: This stock has frequently appealed to investors who emphasize safeguarding their investment from loss. These low-risk enterprises retain their worth and the value of their investors’ capital over time.
  • Outperform in periods of economic downturns: When the economy slows, it outperforms its cyclical counterparts. In theory, this can compensate for any losses suffered by growth stocks during a recession.

Characteristics of Defensive Stock

A defensive stock is highlighted by the fact that it is unaffected by stock market fluctuations. Given the economic system, this can be good and bad. Having conservative equities in your portfolio can be a boon during a recession. Even during a market downturn, it will provide consistent profits. The same trait is a burden for investors during times of economic development since it means they miss out on the opportunity to make significant profits.

This characteristic of this stock can be attributed to its low beta, which is often less than 1. For example, if the stock’s beta is 0.5 and the market is predicted to fall by 10%, the defensive stock will decrease by only 5% (0.5 x 10 percent ). Similarly, if the market rises by 20%, the defensive stock will rise by 10%. (0.5 x 20 percent ).

Defensive stocks, also known as diversification stocks, help investors ensure a consistent income even when the market is unfavorable. Since it is unaffected by market fluctuations, investors can increase their risk appetite with other investments and boost returns. 

Investors typically invest in the finest defensive companies when the market is predicted to collapse as an extra layer of protection against volatility. However, when the market is predicted to rise, active investors switch to high stock beta to maximize rewards.

Examples of Defensive Stocks

Defensive stocks are also known as non-cyclical equities since they are not closely associated with the business cycle. The following are a few examples of these stocks.

Water, gas, and electric utilities are examples of this stock since consumers require them at all stages of the business cycle. Utility firms profit from a slower economic environment as well because financing rates are typically cheaper.

Companies that manufacture or distribute consumer staples, or things that people buy out of necessity regardless of economic conditions, are often regarded as defensive. Food, beverages, hygiene goods, and certain home items are among them. These businesses create consistent cash flow and predictable earnings in both strong and bad economies. These stocks outperform non-defensive stocks in poor economics while underperforming in the strong economic market.

Shares of large pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers have traditionally been seen as defensive investments. After all, there will always be sick people who require medical attention. However, growing competition from new treatments and regulatory uncertainty means they aren’t as defensive as they previously were.

Apartment real estate investment trusts (REITs) are also considered defensive due to the constant requirement for shelter. When seeking for defensive plays, avoid REITs that specialize in ultra-high-end apartments. Avoid office building REITs and industrial park REITs as well, as lease defaults may increase when business slows down.


Generally, defensive stocks maintain a consistent performance by not withstanding market fluctuations. It’s a great place to start looking for stocks in defensive areas. It can be an excellent option for an investor seeking consistent long-term profits without the nuisance of price volatility. One can research and select companies with this stock and devote a portion of one’s capital to hedge against capital depreciation during a bear market. However, before you decide to invest, the company’s fundamentals and historical performance must be robust. 

Nonetheless, paying attention to a specific stock’s key attributes is required to predict its accurate defensive performance. It can also help you preserve your money and protect you from the effects of the recession and its losses. As an investor, you should take calculated risks to withstand the hard times and reap the rewards. Before investing, you should have a good grasp of the market and equities. This will help you get greater profits.

Ultimately, it can simply be one of the numerous investment strategies you may employ to reduce risk in your portfolio. Most investors will prefer a diversified strategy that incorporates them alongside the appropriate cyclical or growth equities. Like most things in life, investing is all about striking the perfect balance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Defensive stocks are more likely to hold dominating positions in large marketplaces with long-term competitive advantages. These stocks are important for companies whose products and services are necessary for people’s daily lives, so their stocks tend to hold up better when the economy slows.

Defensive stock prices do not climb by a large margin but rather take years to rise by a few data points. Going after this stock is not the best option if investors want to generate quick money. Furthermore, even if a dividend payout is announced, the firm may fail to produce profits in a given quarter. In such a circumstance, you will not receive a dividend payment, and if you sell, you may not make a lot of money.

There’s never a perfect time to invest or purchase defensive stocks. One must invest when they believe the stock is undervalued and can provide the returns they are looking for. Trying to time the market can be dangerous. Defense stocks ensure to be of value even while the economy slows down, so investing in them is extremely useful.

The finest defensive stocks in India may change depending on the state of the market, although analysts frequently cite firms in the FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods), pharmaceutical, utility, and telecommunications sectors as defensive stock examples.