Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024 Value Broking 1 Mins 1.9K

Angel One allows users to easily request funds payouts, which are then received directly in their linked trading account. However, it’s important to check the “Withdrawable Balance” before making withdrawal requests, as it may be less than available funds due to withholding.

The steps to withdraw funds are listed below.

Step 1: After logging in, click on to the “Account” section. 

angel one withdraw funds

Step 2: Select “Withdraw” from the menu.

angel one click withdraw

Step 3: After selecting the bank to receive the funds from, enter the amount you wish to take out of your withdrawable balance.

angel one enter amount

Step 4: Click “Proceed” to send the request through.

It’s simple to monitor the progress and other information on your withdrawal requests and other transactions. 

To view this, Follow the below steps: 

Step 1: Open the app’s “ACCOUNT” section. 

angel one funds withdrawn

Step 2: Navigate to “VIEW FUNDS TRANSACTION DETAILS,” and then select “Funds Withdrawn.” Step 3: To view the details of any of your withdrawal requests, click on the corresponding request under the Funds withdrawn section. such as the request’s progress and the anticipated time it would take for the requested amount to be credited to your bank account.

angel one withdrawal details